Horace L. Allen biography

HORACE L. ALLEN was born in Monmouth county, N. J., November 15, 1869, son of Joseph L. and Catherine M. Allen. He was graduated from Hasbrouck Institute in Jersey City in 1886, and entered Princeton College in the following fall, but left at the commencement of his junior year. He read law in the office of James F. Minturn, corporation attorney of the city of Hoboken, and in 1891 entered Columbia Law School in New York, where he completed a full legal course. He was admitted to the bar of New Jersey at the November term, 1891, and as counselor at Trenton, February term, 1895. He was elected a member of the Board of Education at Hoboken in the spring of 1895, and in the fall of the same year was elected member of assembly from the Tenth district of Hudson county. He is counsel to the Board of Health of the city of Hoboken.

Source: John Whitehead, The Judicial and Civil History of New Jersey (Boston: Boston History Co., 1897), Part II, p. 3.

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